We are a resource for those who seek information and expertise regarding separation issues. We are dedicated to preserving the constitutional principle of church-state separation as the only way to ensure religious freedom for all Americans.
Contact us if you become aware of a situation in which there may be a violation of separation of church and state in El Paso or the surrounding area. Submit your concern or question by using the CONTACT US form at the bottom of this page.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”—First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
Together we can accomplish so much more. See upcoming meetings and events as they come up.
Be a part of the solution to ensure that everyone, regardless of race, religion, gender and sexual orientation, are treated equally and respectfully under the law.
The annual membership to Join Us for Justice and American's United for Separation of Church and State is a minimum of $35. This includes a subscription to the nationally-recognized monthly "Church & State" magazine.
La Madeleine French Bistro
La Madeleine French Bistro
6801 N. Mesa (near Whole Foods)
For menu information: https://lamadeleine.com/
Let us kn...
La Madeleine French Bistro
Cantina La Coa
Join us at our chapter meeting this Saturday
Cantina La Coa
4001 North Mesa
[Across Mesa from Hope and Anchor, and Sabertooth]
All are welcome...
Cantina La Coa
Cantina La Coa
Join us at our chapter meeting this Saturday
Cantina La Coa
4001 North Mesa
[Across Mesa from Hope and Anchor, and Sabertooth]
All are welcome...
Cantina La Coa
Alamo Drafthouse West
The opportunity to view the movie Bad Faith followed by commentary with a host of representative clergy.
Donation per ticket: $15 to $100
For ...
Alamo Drafthouse West
442 Crown Point Drive
Join us at our chapter meeting this Saturday, For more information: jmarcus@joinusforjustice.org
442 Crown Point Drive
230 Thunderbird Drive Suite G El Paso, Texas 79912 (915) 525-8543